Electric Gold Maxi Pizza Ovens

- Maximum temperature: 400 ºC
- Adjustable top and bottom heating degree for each layer
- Homogenous heat distribution
- Thermostat control.
- Baking bedplate made by refractory material.

- Electric Input: 400V AC 3N PE
- Cable Cross Section (mm2): 5x2,5

- Electric Input: 400V AC 3N PE
- Cable Cross Section (mm2): 5x4

Code Description Dimension (mm) Interior  Dimensions Weight Net Power Capacity
a b c mm kg m3 kw pizza
EMP.GF.02-S Gold Maxi Pizza Oven Single Layer 1486x1091x710 1055x700x164 105 1.15 10 Ø 340 mm
6 Pizza
EMP.GF.02-D Gold Maxi Pizza Oven Double Layer 1486x1091x1032 1055x700x164 249 1.67 20 Ø 340 mm
6+6 Pizza
EMP.GS.02 Oven Bottom Stand 1486x890x430   62 1.23    

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