Meal Distribution Trolley Accessories

* These 1/2 trays are divided into 50% / 50% when they are fitted in the partition wall. The hot side and the cold side of the trays are the same in width and depth when they are settled in the trolley.
* These 1/3 trays are divided into %37 / %63 when they are fitted in the partition wall. The hot side is wide and the cold side is narrow when they are settled in the trolley. By this 3 dishes can be loaded on the hot side of the tray. (Ø12, Ø21, Ø17) hot dishes can be loaded at the same time.

Code Description Dimensions (mm)
a b c
EMP.5732.S-1/2 1/2 Hot-Cold Trolley Special Tray 575x325
EMP.5732.S-1/3 1/3 Hot-Cold Trolley Special Tray 575x325

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